

I am extremely sorry for not posting on this blog for so long. Wow, so much has happened since the last post. Soma packed her bags and moved to Seattle for good. We miss her. But the good thing is, she still remains very involved. We had three great performances after the Rancho Cordova International Festival. The most recent one was ‘An Ode to Mumbai’ performed at Utsav’s Saraswati Puja celebrations. The performance was dedicated to all those ordinary Indians in extraordinary circumstances. We will be performing an extended version of the same at our upcoming performance in March.

Starting this month TDC is offering kids classes. It is a very exciting step for me since I’ve always been a bit unsure as to how I fare as a teacher to the little ones. Having my own little one probably helped me in that department and I am on my way to spreading my vision to the upcoming generation. So far we’ve had a good response and the classes are a lot of fun. The feedback has been encouraging and it seems like I’m not doing too bad of a job after all. ☺

2009 seems like an exciting year to look forward to. I have a huge to-do list which includes first and foremost updating our website and keeping this blog alive. Thank you for all your support this past year and we look forward to many new relations this year.

Ode to Mumbai - Utsav Saraswati Puja 09

Dreamcatchers - Utsav Durga Puja 08