Another very well received performance by TDC for a very worthy cause. The Bangladeshi community in Sacramento organized this concert to raise funds for the Cyclone victims back home. It is always heart warming when people from the audience you don't even know, walks up to tell you that ours was the best performance of the evening. All the hard work seems to become worthwhile.
This time we performed a slightly modified version of our earlier production 'Cosmic Creation' and added a new choreography to the tunes of 'Let's Make It Better' by A.R. Rehman. Thanks to performers Swami, Tanu and Vijay for all their hard work and commitment, Tanu for making the script sound so much better, Soma for a fabulous job with the costumes as usual, Vimmi and Nalini for all your help backstage.
Lighting and stage rehearsal for this show however turned out to be a challenge and the backdrop was compromised at the last minute with musical instruments for a band that was supposed to play later that night. But amidst all those frustrations, our performance spoke for itself and we ended up pulling off a great show.